5 easy and effective cough remedies for quick relief
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Will you believe me if I told you that a cough might be a good thing? I know it does not seem so when you are constantly wheezing and out of breath from cough attacks and feeling lethargic.
A cough or three is a very normal thing for a person to occasionally have as it helps the body expel debris, mucus, and other unwanted stuff from the respiratory tract.
However, it stops being healthy when a person begins to have constant severe attacks within a short time interval. That is when one knows that he has a problem.
Coughs happen sometimes due to the cold season. We can also get it from bacterial and viral chest infections even without the cold season. Having a raging cough can be embarrassing especially when one has to go to public areas such as school, work, gatherings, etc.

cough causes
The most common causes of cough are:
- Allergies
- Irritation from pollutants in the air
- Bacterial infections such as bronchitis and sinusitis
- Viral infections like the flu
- Asthma
- The changing weather
- Acid reflux
- Low immunity
- Colds etc.
The cause, duration, and stage of a cough determine how it should be treated. So you might ask, what if I don’t know the cause of my cough? Don’t worry! As the doctors say, if your cough persists for more than 2 weeks and it is showing no improvement despite all the remedies you have been using, it is time to make a visit to the doctor.
This is might be no ordinary cough, so beware.
The remedies vary for coughs because coughing has stages and the longer you experience it, the more severe and damaging it can be on the body which is why its medication will differ e.g between early-stage and late-stage coughing.
Unlike the common cold, it is important that we remedy coughs as soon as it appears before it becomes dangerous for our health.
5 best home remedies to get rid of your cold fast
7 effective natural remedies for sore throat quick relief
6 habits that prevent and treat colds
How to manage asthma with natural remedies successfully
Types of coughs:
- Wet cough
- Dry cough
- Whopping cough
- Barking cough
- Burning cough etc.
Home Remedies
These cough remedies work for most coughs. However, if you have a cough and a sore throat at the same time, you will want to check out these home remedies on curing sore throats and colds in no time. Use the recommended remedies there together with these cough remedies for best results.
Let’s dive in;
Ginger is best used for a cough while it is fresh. Dried ginger and ginger tea are also options if you do not have fresh ginger. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and relax the inflamed airways making it easier to breathe and reducing throat dryness.
In my experience, ginger is especially helpful in stopping coughing attacks, especially at the onset of the cough.
How to use:
- Add chopped or crushed ginger to hot water
- Allow it to steep and cool until it is warm enough to drink.
- Optional: add some honey and lemon to boost the effectiveness of the tea.
- Sip gently until the tea is finished. The irritation in your throat should subside by then.
- Some even chew on a piece of ginger throughout the day and it really helps them.
Pineapple Leaves
The green leaves of the spiky head of the pineapple that we often throw out is good for the cough to my surprise when I learned of this remedy. It is very good for cough especially for one with constant painful attacks like dry and whooping cough.
How to use:
- Remove the head of a medium-sized pineapple and cut it into pieces.
- Place a single handful of the leaves in a pot.
- Add about a liter of water and let it boil for 7-10 minutes.
- turn off the heat and allow it to cool.
- While still warm, strain the leaves and throw them out.
- Take the tea twice a day (morning and evening). The one you just made should be enough to use for the day.
- Use this treatment for 5-7 days.
Research shows that honey is not only very effective for coughs and colds, but it is actually a superior remedy of the upper respiratory tract to usual medicines.
I don’t need to spend all evening explaining the wonders and effectiveness of honey I am sure you know the uses of this gift of nature.
To stay on topic, just know that honey is very effective in reducing the symptoms, severity, and frequency of coughs.
It is an anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory food that helps fight infections and also boosts the immune system. So instead of getting those cough drops from the pharmacy, how about you use a proven natural alternative to it.
How to use:
As a cough syrup/suppressant:
- Take a tablespoon of honey or more if you wish and do not eat or drink anything else for at least an hour.
- Preferably, take it as the last thing at night and leave it to coat your throat till morning
To strengthen immunity
- Take a tablespoon of honey and some warm water. Mix well and you can add some lemon if you wish.
For a dry and scratchy cough
- Take a tablespoon of honey and mix it with warm water and sip gradually.
- Allow it to soothe the throat for about an hour before eating anything else.
Where to get it:
I will recommend Nature’s Nate honey. It is raw, unfiltered, and contains no additives. You can get it on Amazon.
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Garlic is very effective in clearing the infection of a cough or just viral infections in the body including the common cold. It is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-oxidant which is well known for its role in helping the immune system fight off infections.
The main component that we need in garlic is allicin which is the compound that gives garlic its smell and taste. Some studies have shown that it boosts the production of some white blood cells which defend the body against diseases.
How to use:
- Chop not more than 4-5 big pieces of garlic
- Allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes so the important compounds in the garlic with be activated
- Swallow them with water.
- Repeat this every 9-12 hours
It is best taken before a meal. Remember, garlic is a blood thinner so don’t use too much of it. Also, do not add the chopped garlic to your food because it will not be as effective. Trust me, I have tried that. So, eat it separately at least one hour before or after a meal.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is vital to human immunity which is why when we have infections especially colds, coughs, and sore throats, the doctor almost always prescribes some vitamin C tablets for the person to suck or drink.
Since the body’s immunity is vital in recovering from this infection, we can make the process faster by supporting the immune system
Vitamin C is available in capsules, syrup, and foods such as oranges, moringa leaves, baobab fruit, etc. Chose your source of vitamin C and be sure to include them in your treatment.
Where to get it:
For vitamin c, there are many options apart from dietary sources. If you prefer capsules, Nature Made Vitamin C capsules are a good option.
Each capsule is 1000mg and it costs about $9 for the whole bottle which contains 90 capsules. You can buy it on Amazon.
A non-GMO certified vitamin C is also available if you prefer that. You can buy it on Amazon too.
Note:*You should know that 1000mg is the recommended daily dosage by doctors.
How to hasten your recovery
Warm drink and teas
Avoid cold, cool, and room temperature drinks, teas, and if I may say water. Warm water is optional for you but if you want to get rid of this infection fast, you should switch to warm water even if it is just for a day.
Soup is encouraged for coughs and flu because they help the body to recover faster and they are richer than just plain water (if you spice it and prepare it well).
They help clear nasal and chest congestion and mucus becomes thinned so that it can easily drip out of the body. So keep some tissue nearby as you are enjoying your soup
Gargle with saltwater
A warm salt and water solution is a very old remedy for not only coughs but also sore throat. The salt fights the bacteria in the throat and loosens the mucus which will, in turn, clear your sinuses.
Simply mix some salt with enough warm water, taste it, and gargle. You can do this about three times a day or whenever the discomfort starts bothering you.
Steam bath/steam inhalation
When our throat and chest feel dry and irritated, this is the time to take a very warm bath that leaves you feeling anew.
Or, you can choose the better option which is steam inhalation. This remedy is especially good for dry and scratchy cough. Even without adding any essential oil to the boiled water, the steam moisturizes the airways, nasal passages, reduces the severity of the cough, and eases throat pain from all the coughing.
It is very easy to do. Just boil some water, get a blanket, and find somewhere you can sit comfortably. Then, you will need some essential oil that is good for the respiratory tract.
How to do it:
- Boil about 1-2 liters of water in a pot or kettle
- Transfer the water into a wide bowl or container and bring it to your sitting place. You can bring the pot (if you want) to where you are going to sit (keep the pot/bowl closed while getting the place ready).
- Put the blanket over your head and cover all possible leaks that steam can escape from.
- Open the pot or bowl and pour about 7-10 drops of an essential oil (eucalyptus, mint, lemongrass, or any citrus oil) into the container of the hot water.
- Open your mouth and widen your nose well so that the steam and all the goodies in the oil will reach your throat and chest
- You can close your eyes if it is more comfortable for you.
- Sit inside the blanket for about 10-15 minutes or until the water cools down.
I am sure you will be feeling better than before you did the steam bath. This method always works for me and those around me though it does not have the most pleasant experience.
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How to Use these remedies for fast recovery
These might seem like a lot of remedies to use in a day but that is what you need for fast recovery. The key is to use these remedies every day.
That means you need to take your ginger (tea or chew), garlic (swallow them like tablets or you can chew if it is easier for you), honey (during the day and the last thing at night), and vitamin C (1000mg in a day).
The steam bath and salt-water gaggle are optional to be used when necessary.
One thing that is compulsory for you to do if you want to get rid of your cough fast is the use of warm water (as your drinking water), warm teas, and warm drinks for at least 2 days and you will feel the difference yourself. Avoid any and everything cool or cold please.

5 best home remedies to get rid of your cold fast
7 effective natural remedies for sore throat quick relief
6 habits that prevent and treat colds
How to manage asthma with natural remedies successfully
I believe if you follow these remedies well, you will be free of cough in a few days or less than a week. If it still persists or is only getting worse despite your efforts with the home remedies, see a doctor as soon as possible. Remember, a cough is a reaction to infection most of the time and the body needs time to get through this attack so you need to be a little patient as the body has to go through some stages before it can successfully defeat the infection.
It is best to take a cough very seriously from the moment it appears because it can develop into another health problem where simple home remedies will not be effective for it. Then, you will have to use different to get cured.
If you enjoyed or tested these remedies and they worked for you, subscribe to the blog for more of these types of effective remedies. I will then alert you the next time I publish another article on my blog. Don’t forget to save this article for future reference.
Have a nice day!