13 habits for a Healthy and productive week

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The year is made of 52 weeks. Week after week, we make decisions and plans as we approach another.

Consciously or not, most of us have a rough weekly prep routine that we do before beginning the coming week especially by working adults and those in school.

Sunday is actually the perfect prep day for the upcoming week after we had a fun and relaxing Saturday. It is important we have a conscious sunday routine that is focused on making the upcoming week easier, more productive and healthier.

Once we have an idea of what to expect, we will face less anxiety and stress as we begin the week.

The habits or routines we begin our week with can determine if we will have a relaxed and fruitful week or we will be having having a tough week.

Even if we are expecting a tough day within the week, being prepared, emotionally and physically will make things easier to bear.

Let’s begin:

Stop hating Mondays

We tend to celebrate the coming of Friday yet many of us hate Sundays (including me) simply because it reminds us of the following day which is the first working day of the week.

This is why we often have lazy or unproductive Sundays when that should not be. Sundays should be the day that you make set things right for the upcoming week.

To have a successful week, we need to begin with a positive mindset. Sundays should be a day that we anticipate and plan well because it is a free day that allows us to prepare ourselves so that we don’t have to do much preparations on other days of the week

Using just one day in a week to prepare makes the week feel easier and lighter on us.

review the previous week

It is good to know what you have missed and gotten right in the past week so that yuou can make better plans for the coming weeks

If there are any things that were undone, try to see if you can fit them in the coming week.

With time, you will be able to plan every week perfectly because you will have enough experience from planning previous weeks

Plan your week

Sundays or beginning of the week is all about planning. Preparation is the main agenda for the day

You need to do a lot of planning in many spheres such as your :

  • Exercises routines
  • Places you need to go
  • Appointments
  • To-do lists, etc.

You might need to have a planner to write down your plans for every day of the week and all that you need to do within each day, etc.

Try to make your plans as detailed as possible so that you won’t skip or forget some little but important details

deep clean

Saturdays are for fun and sunday is the day that you need to do all the extra cleaning that you didn’t do in the previous week.

Clean your home thoroughly so that you only need to do the minimum cleaning when your week begins. A clean home will boost your mood, health, and productivity.

plan your outfits

This is another big one. Outfits sometimes even more than one might be needed depending on your schedule.

I often spend 2-3 hours weekly preparing for clothes to wear for the week and two extra ones in case of emergency.

Take your time to select the most comfortable and approriate outfits for the week.

Make sure to check that all clothese are wearable. A stain, zip, button is not missing like it sometimes happens to me.

meal prep

One of the imortant daily habits mentioned on the post I wrote on how to be healthy every day is the importance of eating home cooked/repared foods.

You need to limit eating out if you want to be healthy. Fun fact, eating out is actually more expensive than cooking your own healthy meals for most people. Try adding up the numbers and you will see for yourself.

Before the week begins, make sure you know when you will be eating out and where and when you will be packing your food from home and what you will be making on the day.

Doing this will save you much headache of what to prepare and making/preparing your food ahead of the coming week will save you lots of hours that you can spend relaxing.

set personal goals

Set personal goals beyond just what you need to do to make your week move smoothly.

We need to have our own personal goals for financial freedom and self development. Make sure you include a goal you want to achieve or do every week no matter how small it may be.

Every time you achieve your little personal goal, you are one step closer to your ideal life or dream.

schedule your grocery/Shopping list

Make your grocery list and other domestic errands and include them in your weekly schedule. You can shop in person or online.

You might even have to make a run for the supermarket today as you might be preparing most your food today.

You can also schedule to shop for some them after work so that you will it be spoiling your precious saturday or busy sunday with boring errands.


After cleaning, you might need to de-clutter your home, room, workspace, email inbox, mail, etc.

Having a clutter-free living space will make navigating your home easier and finding what you need faster. It also promotes ventilation.

You don’t need to do every single corner or inch of your home to prevent exhaustion on tjis precious sunday.

If it is a lot to do, you can divide the chore and work on the most important one this week and schedule to de-clutter the others in the coming weeks

plan your fun for the week

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. While preparing for all the serious things, such as work, appointments, cooking, school, examinations, etc., don’t forget to include something fun in your week.

Plan activities that you love, meet family and friends, go out with your loved ones or meet at home, have a sleep over, movie night, etc.

You can also plan for some me-time or alone activity you have been wanting to do especially if you are an introvert.

This will make your week interesting and you will anticipate its begining.

financially plan

After knowing all that you need to do. You will then need to financially plan for the cost that is acceptable to you and your bank account.

This will help you keep track of your spending habits, prevent unforeseen costs, and will make budgeting easier for you in the future

Financial planning ready for an upcoming week is another habit that is often forgotten by many including me


After doing all of that, it is time to relax, unwind and practice some self care.

You can mediate, watch old movies, cartoons, listen to music, be with your family, etc. Don’t forget to have some alone time and just reflect on yourself, your wants, direction in life etc.

End your sunday on a happy, relaxed note after doing all that mental and physical work and not on a tired one.

Go to bed early

This is one of the keys to a successful week. Always go to bed early preferably before 10.30pm.

You will then be able to get the adequate sleep you will need to wake up energetic and refreshed ready for the week to begin.

Have a good night time routine and enjoy the satisfaction you will feel from preparing for a successful and productive week.

Final Thoughts

There you have them. 13 Habits to help you have a successful week. I have practiced a similar routine myself and it feels so good after you are done and ready for the week and you end your day with a warm bath and your favorite book or movie.

I hope you have learnt something and if you feel I have omitted anything, do let me know in the comments below.

Bye for now. Thank you for stopping by.

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